
08年重大事項,蘋果WWDC 08大會圖文直轉載開始!(來源weiphone)

08年重大事項,蘋果WWDC 08大會圖文直播倒計時開始! (轉載來源weiphone)

***************************** 華麗的分割線 *********************
預熱開始!Let's Go!
Already hundreds of devs and attendees are piling up downstairs to get in.

08:43AM PT - 我們已經到達Moscone 中心了(現在還比較空),現在有點早,媒體記者們拿的都是MacBook Air,等待大會開始

9:16AM PT - People are really filing in. You've never heard so many people say the word "iPhone" in your life.
09:16AM - 人潮已經開始湧動,估計你這輩子從來沒有看到這麼多人在一個地方提到iphone這個詞。

9:37AM PT - Everybody is crowding up at the closed gates, preparing for the Running of the Media.
09:37AM PT - 大家都聚集在緊閉的門口外,准備著收集第一手資料

9:46AM PT - We're in! The cattle rush of the media was pretty mellow this time around. Shockingly enough, they're playing oldies -- not the usual soundtrack of Gnarles Barkley, Coldplay, Gorillaz, etc.
09:46AM PT 我們進場啦!會場內播放比較懷舊的音樂~~

9:51AM PT - People still funneling in -- this auditorium seats thousands of people, so it takes a little while. Say, is that Gavin Newsome? Oh, and there's Al Gore.
09:51AM PT 觀眾還在進場,要幾千人坐好,得一會兒。Gavin Newsome接受采訪呢還有Al Gore。

10:02AM PT - OK, weird, a bunch of attendees just stood up and started clapping -- we don't know why, since it wasn't Jobs (or so we think).
10:02AM PT 好,有點奇怪,一大群與會者都起立開始鼓掌,我們不知道為什麼,因為出現的不是JOBS(我們是這樣認為的)

Announcer: "Turn off all cellphones, iPhones, PDAs... our program will start in a few minutes."

10:06AM PT - Lights are coming down! Crowd beginning to roar!
10:06AM PT 光線暗了下來!大伙喝彩起來啦!

Music's over, and here we go... lights all the way down, Steve's on stage
音樂此時結束,在這裡,讓所有的燈光,閃耀在史蒂夫的舞台上!老喬上場 10:07AM PT - "Thank you very much. I'm really glad to be here this morning. We've been working hard on some great stuff... thank you for coming to WWDC 2008. We've got a record 5200 attendees -- we wish we could have had more, but we sold out!"
10:07AM PT-“非常感謝大家,真的高興能夠站在這裡。我們一直在努力工作的一些偉大的東西. ..感謝大家來參加2008年的WWDC,我們創造了5200位參會者的記錄-我們衷心的希望能增加更多的門票,但可惜已經銷售一空! “ 掌聲響起

"I'm sorry for all those folks that couldn't be here... we're going to have a great week this week. 147 sessions, 85 on the Mac, and 62 on the iPhone... it's going to be packed! 169 hands-on labs, 1k Apple engineers, iFund and Intel sessions. I think it's going to be one of the best WWDCs ever."
有些人不能跟我們一同參與,真是給他亂可惜的。這一周算是給他一整個豐富,包括147 場各項訓練,85 場跟 Mac 有關,62 場跟 iPhone 有關,另外還有 169 動手玩的實驗室。總共 1000 為蘋果工程師,iFund 還有跟 Intel 相關的場次。相信這將會是最棒的一次 WWDC。
"Let's get started. As you know there are three parts to Apple -- the first part is Mac, second part is our music business, iPod and iTunes, and the third part is the iPhone. I'm going to take this morning to talk about the iPhone."
讓我們開始,如你所知道的Apple共有三部分 - 第一部分是Mac,第二部分是我們的音樂業務,iPod和iTunes,第三部分是iPhone。我們今天主要來談關於iPhone。
10:10AM PT - "讓我們談談iPhone,地方開始是我們的新軟件-擁有2 .0平台,向前邁進了一大步從那裡我們一直.我們開始了一項開發計劃,在3月,這是剛才九五天前。在這些九五天我們已經有超過25萬下載免費的SDK的。我們已經有超過25,000人申請的開發者計劃...不過,我們不能滿足所有申請,所以我們挑選了4000人參加..."

iPhone 2.0 software, there are three parts: enterprise support, SDK, and new end-user features. Let me start with enterprise."
"iphone 2.0 軟體包過三個部份:企業支援、SDK、以及新的使用者功能,讓我們從企業端開始"

"Exchange... as you know, we've done it... push email, calendars, contacts, auto-discovery, global address lookup, remote wipe, all this stuff built in. In addition we've worked with Cisco to build in their VPN services... all sorts of security demanded by the enterprise. Everything they told us they wanted, we built in."
大家知道 Exchange,大家都知道我們已經完成,包括 push email、日曆、聯絡人、RSS自動顯示、全球地址定位、遠端遙控...除此之外我們還和思科合作進行VPN服務,也能滿足企業所需的安全性,每件功能我們都建進去了。
10:13AM PT - "We've had phenomenal participation from higher education. Again, gotten fantastic feedback. We made a video of these customers, I'd love to show it to you..." Video time!
10:13AM PT-出自於高等教育機構的參與,我們得到了超棒的回饋,讓我們來看看這些人感謝的影片吧!

"We've had a beta going... 35% of the Fortune 500 has participated in that beta program. The top 5 banks, top 5 securities firms, 6 or 7 top airlines, 8 of 10 top pharma, and 8 of 10 top entertainment companies."
另外在企業用戶當中,Fortune500 有超過 35%都參與我們的測試,前五大銀行、前五大安全顧問公司、企業,前六或七名的航空業者、前十家藥廠有八家、前十家娛樂公司有八家等等都是我們的合作對像。

Going over some firms, testimonials style. Great if you care about the petabytes in the datacenters of Disney, we guess!
有了 SDK 跟 iPhone 2.0 韌體,同樣的原生 APIs,還有其他內部所用的工具,這表示身為發展者的您能夠跟我們用一樣的方法來幫 iPhone 寫程式。

Still going... the Army sure does love the new iPhone software!

Steve's back on: "That gives you a sense of what we're doing in the enterprise, all this stuff built into iPhone 2.0. Next up is the SDK, to take us where we are there and to show us some really exciting stuff, I'd like to bring up Scott Forstall." Applause.
10:20AM PT - "We top it all off with Cocoa Touch -- our UI object oriented framework, which makes building an app for our fullscreen touch interface an absolute breeze. We have a great set of APIs. On top of this we have a really powerful set of tools
10:20AM PT - 我們使用 Cocoa Touch(應該指每個應用程式就是一個小方塊),我們的 UI 物件導向架構,可建構一個有全螢幕互動介面的應用程式。我們有超棒的API設定,有強力的設定工具。

"With the SDK in iPhone 2.0 we're opening the same native APIs and tools we use internally... that means you as a dev can build apps for the iPhone the same way we do. Let's start by talking about the APIs. The APIs and frameworks on the iPhone share extensively with OS X... We use the same kernel in the iPhone that forms the basis of OS X... almost all of them share the same source code line-for-line as OS X." He's going over the bits of Core Services: SQL lite, OpenGL ES, OpenAL
「在iPhone 2.0透過 SDK 我們正開放一些原生的 API 和工具,這意指你可以跟我們一樣建構相同的iPhone應用程式。讓我們先談談API,API和iphone上的架構都從 OS X 延伸分享而來,基礎架構都和 OS X 一樣,幾乎所有的原始碼都和 OS X 一樣,包括 Core Services: SQL lite, OpenGL ES, OpenAL」

Going over debungging and Xcode, instruments -- all the stuff from the March iPhone roadmap event.
來看看除錯、Xcode 和一些基礎架構 -- 所有都來自三月 iphone 所展示的規劃藍圖。
Demo time! "I want to concentrate on how we construct a UI..." making an app called Nearby Friends. Accesses the contacts database and Core Location to filter all contacts with contacts within 10mi. Building the UI with Interface Builder. Dragging and dropping interface elements.
示範時刻!"我們要聚焦在如何塑造一個使用者介面" 他示範寫一個叫做 Nearby Friends 的小軟體,可以自動過濾十分鐘內找得到的朋友,透過 Interface Builder 就可以完成,簡單把一些元素拖拖拉拉就可以了!

Ok, Scott, we love what you've done here, but we're yawning. Then again, the thousands of devs in the audience are probably stoked -- those that haven't used the SDK anyway

The quick-built app is loaded into the simulator and running. "Now let me take it one step further..." he's going to test a tethered app install.
這些轉瞬間完成的小程式被丟近模擬器然後測試 " 現在讓我們更進一步地玩" 似乎他打算測試一個軟體的安裝的樣子。

Looks like he's done, getting a rousing round of applause.

"We've got a great set of APIs and a really powerful set of tools. This has been out about 3 months... we asked them, what do they think? The response were unbelievably positive. Let me read you some of their quotes..."
我們有強大的 APIs,另外還包括一堆超強的工具,這些已經發布近三個月了,我們曾經問過用起來怎樣,他們說比啥都還要爽...

10:26AM PT - Going over quotes flacking the SDK... Disney, InfoWorld. Ok, we get it, you're preaching to the choir here! This is the Apple developer conference, after all.
10:26AM PT -炫耀合作夥伴,諸如 Disney、InfoWorld 的讚美。這...又能怎樣,畢竟這是發展者年會...XD

"Thousands of people are building apps... we were really amazed with the quality of these apps. We've invited a number of these devs up here today." Sega's starting out. "Sega blew us away with what they accomplished in just two weeks with the first cut of Super Monkey Ball..." Ethan Einhorn from Sega is taking the stage
數千人正在建構各種程式...我們看到這些程式的品質實在令人驚訝地好!我們已經邀請一些開發團隊來到這裡,包括重量級廠商 Sega。Sega 僅僅用的時間就做出了 Super Monkey Ball。Sega 的 Ethan Einhorn 上台。
"Back when we showed you SMB in March, our dev team created four stages from scratch in just two weeks of dev time. 8 weeks later we had 110 stages... they also gave us all four of the classic monkeys!" Chuckles... aww, they're playing as Baby
當我們在三月秀出 SMB ,我們的開發團隊在二個星期內創造創造四個關卡。現在八週我們已經有超過110種的關卡,現在還有四隻經典跳跳猴!!
Crap, these graphics look unbelievable compared to anything we've seen on a cellphone before. Seriously, these are DS-quality graphics, easily.
以前的手機根本沒展現過這麼優美的操作畫面。嚴格來說,畫質和 DS 的品質差不多。

Forstall: next is eBay. Ken Sun's on stage.
10:34AM PT -eBay 的 Ken Sun 上台。
10:34AM PT - Demoing bidding, watching items, searching, My eBay, all the usual stuff, and bidding from the app. That's nice, but couldn't this have been done over the web?
10:34AM PT - 在ebay展示下標、看與找拍賣、下評價,全部常用的功能皆可透過這個程式來玩網拍。真不錯,不過這些功能不是在網頁上就可完成嗎?

Next is Loopt, Sam Altman is going to demo.

Man, these demos are crazy boring. Throw us a bone here Apple! Loopt will be free on the App Store at launch
大家,這些演示出現的很精彩。他們都有一個基礎平台在Apple,他們都將從App Store免費得到。

Next is TypePad, a great mobile blogging app. Michael Sippey is up. Huzzah, blogging.

Showing photoblogging -- they've looped in to the camera API to take shots and fire them off to your blog. Dialogue looks more like an email than a CMS. TypePad will also be available free
展示照片博客 - 正在調用攝像頭的API來獲取實時截取照片並且上傳到博客共享。它看起來更像是個CMS系統下的一個eamil短信,TypePad將是免費的。
10:40AM PT - Next up, the Associated Press, Benjamin Mosse is up
10:40AM PT - 再來!美聯社記者,Benjamin Mosse 上台!
Showing photography and video from their news network. Not bad! "We encourage you to get involved with the news you see -- you can send news to us immediately from your iPhone."展示照片和視頻從他們的新聞網。不錯! 希望大家都能參與新聞內容的提供,如果您們可以從iPhone上面上傳新聞內容,這就會太棒了!"
Next is long time Mac game developer Pangea Software... two games to be demoed by Brian Greenstone. Man, please let this string of demos end!接著是老牌 Mac 遊戲公司 Pangea Software,他們要示範兩款遊戲...(有完沒完?)首先由 Brian Greenstone 示範。Showing Enigmo -- looks pretty hot, water droplets doing polygon-accurate collision tests per second. Next is Cro-Mag Rally, nine tracks, ten cars. Porting both games took "three days to get each game up and running -- totally playable."示範 Enigmo,看起來蠻帥的!水滴滴在表面上,每秒都的情況.,接著是 Cro-Mag Rally,九條跑道、十台車;據說才花三天就完成這兩款遊戲,玩起來也很順...

10:46AM PT - Forstall back, and another developer demo. Ugh.10:46AM PT - Forstall回來了!持續 DEMO 中...Mark Terry from Moo Cow Music, it's called Band, a collection of virtual instruments for creating music from scratch.Moo Cow Music 來的 Mark Terry,這是個虛擬的音樂創作模擬器。Hmm, not too shabby -- showing a piano, and what do you know, it's better than the multi-touch piano they showed at D with Windows 7. They played a riff from Lennon's "Imagine."看起來還不至於太陽春,有鋼琴鍵盤,看起來比 Windows 7 的 D 大調多重觸控介面還要讚。他們彈了約翰藍儂的 "Imagine."
The blues simulator just got huge applause!大家給這個模擬器很大的掌聲!!
It'll be out in the App Store "in a few weeks' time." Forstall's back. Next, MLB.com, baseball fans will "love this application." Jeremy Schoenherr is up to demo it.幾個禮拜內大家在 app 商店就買的到,Forstall 回到台前,接下來大家應該會很愛 MLB.com 這個應用程式,Jeremy Schoenherr 進行展示。Showing latest scores, real-time video highlights from every game!顯示最新的分書,每場比賽都有即時重點影音!

10:52AM PT - Next: Modality, showing a medical learning app. Great.10:52AM PT - 接下來是醫學學習的應用程式。很棒!
Wow, we heard Apple's stock is down almost $5 since this keynote started. Maybe they should just demo their top three and keep going.喔喔喔!發表會一開始,蘋果馬上跌5元。或許蘋果一開始不要廢話那麼多好。ANOTHER medical app. This one by MIMvista. Someone, wake us when Steve's back另一個醫療用程式,由 MIMvista 打造...我們打個盹,賈伯斯回台時叫我們一下阿~
And our LAST app [emphasis ours] comes from Digital Legends Entertainment... they only started two weeks ago." Let's see this fancy game, shall we?10:59AM PT - Looks a little like God of War, graphics somewhere between DS and PSP. Pretty friggin' impressive. N-GAGE has been after games that look this good for years.

Forstall's back: "That was all running on an iPhone! And they had two weeks. One of the most fun parts about building a platform like iPhone 2.0 is seeing the innovation that comes from our developers." Applause for the devs!這就是全部在 iphone 上面的應用程式,全都是兩週就做出來的。iPhone 2.0 可謂了最具創新的開發平台,讓我們為開發者瘋狂鼓勵!!"There has been one feature request that doesn't currently exist... it's mainly come from clients like IM, where by their very nature they want to get a notification even if the user isn't running the app. We absolutely want to solve this problem, the question is how?"還有一個功能還沒存在,就是類似即時通訊軟體的產品,誰來幫我們解決這個問題,如何解決呢?
The wrong solution is to enable background processes... to allow an app to continue to run even after their user thinks they quit it." Windows Mobile, we're looking at you. Why's it bad? "First, battery life, it drains power. Second, performance, it sucks up cycles and makes other things feel sluggish." Uh oh, he's showing the WinMo task manager.錯誤的解決方法,將會在背後處理,讓影用能夠繼續執行,即使使用者以為他們已經被關掉了;這是在指 WinMo 的樣子!為什麼這樣不好呢?首先,電池電力!他浪費電!他吃資源,讓其他程式變慢;展示 WinMo 的程式管理員。
"This is nuts." Huge applause for that one."瘋了!" 現場如雷的粉絲掌聲"We've come up with a far better solution -- a push notification service Apple will provide to all developers.我們有一個更好的解決方案,也就是提供一個回饋給軟體發展者的 push 通知服務。11:04AM PT - Apple will maintain a persistent IP connection to the phone, where a 3rd party server can ping Apple's notification service to your device. It can push badges, sounds, and custom textual alerts (like how SMSs look).蘋果將會以一個固定IP連接手機,使第3方服務器能夠把蘋果的通告服務發送到你的設備。它能推送插件、聲音和自定義文字提示(像sms短信一樣)
"The great thing about this: it scales... it's a unified push notification service for all devs. It preserves battery life and maintains performance. And it all works over the air -- WiFi and cellular. Available in September, but next month we'll be seeding to devs. This has been an update of the SDK, thank you!"這樣做最棒的地方在於:這是提供給所有開發者的推送通告服務。它兼顧了電池壽命和效能,支持WIFI和手機通訊。將在9月退出,但是下個月就將在SDK的升級當中提供給開發者了,謝謝!Forstall's off, Steve's back!Forstall下場,Jobs回來了!"Isn't that fantastic? This is going to be great. In addition... we've got a few new features. The first one: contact search. Type in a few chars, instantly find who you're looking for. Second? Full iWork document support -- Pages, Numbers, and of course, Keynote. Great way to look at your iWork docs on the go. And we've completed MS Office support: Word, Excel, and now PowerPoint, too."很棒不是麼?還有更強的。除此之外,還有一些新功能。第一個:搜索聯系人(= =),輸入一些字,即時找到你想要的那個聯系人。第2?全面支持iWork文檔——Pages、Numbers和Keynote。非常好的方式通過移動設備察看你的iWork文檔,我們也已經完成了對MS Office的支持:Word、Excel和PPT。11:07AM PT - "It's super easy to download these docs and look at them on your iPhone. We've also added bulk delete and move, it's rather handy. And the ability to save images you might get in an email, tap on them and save them to your library. The calc has a scientific mode... we've added parental controls. Teenagers might not like this, but that's the way it has to be." All the stuff we saw a couple months back.在iPhone上下載和查看這些文件超簡單,也有批量刪除和移動功能,還能從email中存取圖片到iphone文件夾中。我們加上了家長控制,年輕人可能不喜歡,但這是必須的。

"Really importantly, we've added many many languages, some of the ones we're most excited about: two forms of entry for Japanese, two forms of entry for Chinese (simplified and traditional), including character drawing / recognition." Eat up Martha.更重要的是,我們加入了很多語種的支持,有些最讓人興奮的比如:兩種日文輸入、兩種中文輸入(簡體和繁體),包括手寫輸入識別

"This is pretty cool. It's one of the great advantages of not having plastic keys for your keyboard!" Big applause. "We think the iPhone 2.0 software will be phenomenal and raise use to a whole new level. We'll release it in early July."太酷了,這就是沒有實體鍵盤最大的好處之一!(喝彩聲)iPhone 2.0軟件將會成功地把使用感受提升到一個全新的高度。我們將會在7月初推出。
It will be a free software update for all iPhone owners, and the price is down to $9.95 for iPod touch owners." Meh applause.新固件的升級對於iPhone使用者是免費的,iPod touch的升級費用是$9.95。(這還有掌聲= =)"Of course, we'll have all these great apps, but how will we distribute them? The App store... it's a way for devs to reach every single user. Users can pick their apps and wirelessly download them right to their phone."當然了,我們有這些超強程序,但是大家怎麼得到它們呢?答案是:App商店,這是把開發者和使用者聯系起來的途徑,使用者能自由選擇程序和無線下載到他們的手機上"And for those apps you bought, when there's an update you can download that update wirelessly as well. Devs set the price of the apps, keep 70% of the revenues, we don't charge them any fees -- we FairPlay their apps so they're secure, and if they want to give them away for free, there's no charge whatsoever."你所購買的應用程序有更新的時候,你也可以方便地無線升級。開發者自己定價,獲得其中70%,我們一毛錢不要,但是要保證他們程序的公平競爭和安全性,如果他們將程序免費放出,更不會有任何費用。11:11AM PT - "Now, we've enlarged the scope of the App Store from the 22 countries it was going to be in, it's going to be in 62 countries -- so almost anywhere in the world where there's an iPhone. If your app is 10MB or less, they can download it over cell, WiFi, or iTunes -- if it's over 10MB they can get it on WiFi or iTunes. So that's the App Store. We think there's never been anything like it."現在我們已經把App商店從22個國家擴展到了62個國家——幾乎全世界有iPhone的地方都有。如果你的程序小於等於10M,他們可以通過手機信號、WIFI或者iTunes下載——超過10M用WIFI和iTunes下載。這就是App Store,從來沒有一個像這樣的服務吧。

Now, we've got something entirely new."現在來說說全新的東西"We're very very excited about this. It's called MobileMe."我們非常非常為它興奮,它叫做MobileMe

Phil Schiller's up! Demo time.Phil Schiller上台"Good morning, I'm really excited to tell you about this brand new service... so what's the idea? It's like having Exchange for the rest of us."Schiller just called ActiveSync ActiveStink -- the mockery! Guffawing.contacts, and calendars... everything is up to date wherever you are.早上好,真高興能為你們帶來這個全新的服務,那麼它的創意是什麼呢?它就好像ExchangeSchiller把微軟的Activesync(自動同步)說成了ActiveStink(自動發臭),全場哄笑郵件、聯系人和日歷。。所有的東西都可以同步,不管你在哪
"MobileMe stores your info up in the cloud so you can get to it anywhere using any of your devices -- Mac, PC, iPhone -- it will push information up and down to keep everything up to date all the time."Push email, contacts, and calendars... everything is up to date wherever you are.MobileMe將你所有的信息都同步到服務器,你就可以在任何地方用任何設備使用它們——比如Mac、PC、iPhone——它會一直保持信息的更新
Example of email -- gets pushed down to all devices. Change a contact? Gets pushed up to MobileMe, down to all other device. "The best part of this, it works over the air. Everything is up to date."比如郵件——可以從任何設備下載,修改了一個聯系人?同步到MobileMe以後下載到所有的設備,用無線的方式11:16AM PT - "It works with the native apps on my Mac or PC -- it works with Mail.app, iCal, Address Book... as well as Outlook. You'd expect that it would work with those native apps."支持Mac和PC,對mac的程序像Mail、iCal、地址簿,也包括Outlook"What's really going to surprise people, we've built an incredible suite of web 2.0 apps using Ajax."這真的讓人驚喜,我們建造了一個難以置信的web 2.0平台"Go to any browser, type me.com. Simple, easy to remember. Log in... you get an incredibly rich email client. It feels like a desktop."用任何瀏覽器,輸入me.com,簡單又好記,登陸,多好的一個email客戶端啊,簡直像在自己電腦的桌面上一樣

Mail, contacts, calendar -- all this stuff looks exactly like Apple's native apps. This is pretty nice."It's a breakthrough web 2.0 app interface." Demo time!所有的東西看起來都跟蘋果本地程序那麼像,太好了這是web 2.0 app界面的一個突破

"I can run this on a Mac or PC -- you might guess which my favorite is. I'm going to launch my favorite browser -- which happens to be Safari. Just log right in." Looks pretty solid, almost identical to the desktop apps.Mac和Pc都能用,你會猜想我最喜歡什麼,當然我會用我最喜歡的瀏覽器——safari(廢話,太露骨了啊啊= =)Quick reply mail feature -- really fast way to send an inline reply. Contacts search with real-time text entry filter. Calendar, you know... it's a calendar.快捷回復郵件,實時聯系人搜索篩選,日歷以下都是些沒幾個人關心的羅嗦。。。。。。省略11:22AM PT - Photos: photo skimming works, resizing thumbs -- it looks exactly like desktop iPhoto. Wonder how much of this is Flash. iDisk is supported as well -- looks like .Mac might be going bye-bye.Log-off is power-on/off icon. Demo of OTA interaction... email gets pushed to the device. Email to Gmaps, saves restaurant as a new contact. Back to the computer -- what should happen to be there but the email that was pushed to the phone, including the state (read or unread), and there's the restaurant contact.
Showing calendar push -- demoing the amount of time it takes to make changes to calendar events over the air from PC to iPhone. 12 seconds, by our count.

Send to MobileMe option from photo. Send to the library of your choosing in the cloud. More applause. "So that's MobileMe, an incredible new experience for all your information. It's like having Exchange for the rest of us. Push email, contacts, calendars -- works with native apps on the Mac and PC. And most exciting are these incredible new web apps. The perfect companion."
It's available for $99 per year -- 20GB of storage."每年的使用費用為$99,20GB容量"We're going to create a free 60 day trial, available along with iPhone 2.0. You might be asking what about .Mac? MobileMe replaces .Mac."".Mac users can continue to use service, but they'll be automatically upgraded to MobileMe. So that's MobileMe."照例有60天免費試用,和iphone 2.0一起推出你也許會問.Mac哪去了,MobileMe代替了它.Mac的用戶們可以繼續使用服務,但是他們會自動升級到MobileMe這就是MobileMeSteve! "Isn't that great? We've been working on that for a while. I think we finally got it right."Jobs又跑出來說這很棒不是麼。。了= ="Now I'd like to talk about something near and dear to my heart. That's the iPhone. In a few weeks it's going to be the iPhone's first birthday. An amazing intro -- certainly the most amazing we've ever had."現在他要說他最親愛的東西。。iPhone,不久就是iPhone的第一個生日,開始回憶當年的光輝歲月
And iPhone has had tremendous critical acclaim -- best invention of the year -- it's the widely believed that this it the phone that's changed phones forever." ApplauseiPhone得到了令人稱羨的認同——一年中的最佳創造——被廣泛認為永遠改變了手機的作品(掌聲)
"That's all great, but the thing that makes us the happiest is that users love the iPhone. 90% customer satisfaction -- that's off the charts. What products today have that? 98% are browsing -- mobile browsing has gone from nothing to 98% with the iPhone. 94% are using email, 90% are using SMS -- 80% are using 10 or more features. You can't even begin to figure out how to use 10 features on a normal phone!"這已經很好了,但是最讓我們高興的是90%的iPhone用戶對它感到滿意。今天有什麼產品有這樣的評價?有了iPhone,使用移動設備瀏覽的人增加到了98%,94%使用email,90%使用短信,80%使用10個或者更多的功能。在一個普通手機上你甚至很難去發掘怎麼用10個功能"In that first year we sold 6m iPhones since we ran out some weeks ago. We did figure out what our next challenges are... the next mountain we have to climb to go to the next level."第一年裡我們賣出了6000000部iPhone,我們已經找到了接下來將要迎接的挑戰和下一座需要翻越的高山去達到更高的境界= ="What are these next challenges? 3G." Huge applause.挑戰是什麼?3G(等了1個半小時的人們終於醒了,掌聲雷動)
"Second: enterprise support, third: third party apps, fourth: we need to sell it in more countries. We've sold iPhone in six countries so far, but believe me, they're in use ALL over the world." Hehe. "It's clear there is a demand."第2是企業級應用支持;第3:第三方軟件;第4:推廣到更多的國家(iPhone已經在6個國家有售,接下來將會推向全世界)"And last but not least -- everyone wants an iPhone, but we need to make it more affordable." Big applause.最後,每個人都想要一部iPhone,我們得讓大家都買得起它(瘋了)

"The number one reason people didn't buy iPhones is because they just can't afford it (56%). So as we arrives iPhone's 1st bday -- we're going to take it to the next level."56%的人不買iPhone是因為價格難以承受,所以我們降價了!!!"Today w'ere introducing the iPhone 3G.iPhone 3G!!!!!
"We've learned so much with the first iPhone. We've taken everything we've learned and more and created the iPhone 3G. It's beautiful. This is what it looks like. "Black back! "Thinner at the edges. Full plastic back, it's really nice.""Solid metal buttons, the same gorgeous 3.5-inch display, camera""Flush headphone jack."我們從第一代iPhone中吸取了很多經驗,改造出iPhone 3G它真美,這是它的外觀——黑色塑料後背,金屬按鍵,同樣的3.5存顯示屏和攝像頭,不作怪的耳機插孔"Improved audio, it's really, really great... and it feels even better in your hand, if you can believe it."改進後的超棒音效,如果你相信的話,手感也好多了"How does the iPhone 3G tackle these things? Let's take a look at 3G. Why do you want 3G? Faster data downloads, right? There's nowhere that you want it more than the browser and downloading email. First, the browser..."iPhone 3G是怎麼工作的?為什麼你想要3G?更快的下載速度?沒有比當你使用瀏覽器和收郵件更需要它的時候了

Showing EDGE vs. 3G -- let's see how we do. 3G version takes 21s to load... PAINFULLY slow on EDGE.EDGE和3G的PK3G 21秒,而用EDGE太痛苦了Still waiting to load... people are murmuring. Duh, Steve, we've been saying this since the beginning. People are whistling now. 59s on EDGE. "Slow."還在等著下載。。。。人都等瘋了,EDGE用了59秒,慢啊
"It's even more remarkable when you look at this next to WiFi -- you can see 3G speeds are actually approaching WiFi. It's amazing zippy -- 17s."我們看到3G的下載速度已經接近WIFI(17秒)了"We took two other 3G phones -- the iPhone 3G is 36% faster than the nokia N95 and Treo 750 -- and look at the result you get, by the way! Full page on the iPhone, and quite a bit less on the other phones." Big applause.又開始糗別人家的東西——iPhone 3G比其他兩個3G手機Nokia N95和黑莓Treo750都要快36%,順便說一下,看看這個結果,iPhone上能顯示全部頁面,而另外2個手機上就要小得多了

Email attachment download demo. 5s over 3G, 18s over EDGE.
"If we compare this to WiFi, we'll see 3G approaches WiFi speeds. We're also really proud that we're doing this with great battery life -- standby time is 300 hours."我們也很驕傲我們有了更強的電池去保證3G和WiFi的使用——待機時間300小時2G talk time is up from 8 hours to 10 hours. 3G talk time... other phones have 3 - 3.5 hours, we've managed 5 hours of 3G talk time, which is an industry-leading amount of time."2G的通話時間是8-10小時,別的3G通話時間是3-3.5小時,而iPhone 3G有5個小時,在通話時間上技術領先了"Browsing, 5-6 hours of high speed browsing. Video - 7 hours, audio - 24 hours." Big applause. Dizamn.5-6個小時的高速瀏覽網頁,7個小時視頻播放,而音樂播放則有24小時(掌聲)

11:38AM PT - "So great performance, great battery life. Now, one other thing that benefits from fast data is GPS -- we've built that into GPS." The crowd roars.這麼強的性能,這麼長的電池續航。另一個殺手锏登場——內建GPS(滿場驚呼)"Location services is going to be a really big deal on the iPhone -- you saw a bit of that here today, it's going to explode. We get location from celltowers, from WiFi, and now we get it from GPS." So that's A-GPS. "We can actually do tracking."定位系統成為了iPhone的一個重要功能,我們以前從信號發射塔和WiFi得到定位信息,現在通過GPS來實現,A-GPS讓我們可以真正地尋道Showing tracking ping -- crap, that's hot.展示。。。。HOTZig-zagging down Lombard street. "So! Built in GPS, and much, much faster data. We think we can check off 3G and add built-in GPS to boot." Big applause.
"Enterprise support: as we explained earlier, full Exchange support. All secure VPN, everything everyone's asked for is built-in. We're on exactly the right track, we can now check off enterprise support. Third party apps -- the SDK, you saw the great apps, and we've got the best way to distro them."企業級支持:就像我們早先說到的那樣,全交互支持,安全VPN,所有人需要的所有東西都有內嵌,我們的確做到了企業級支持第三方app——SDK,你能看到很棒的應用程序,我們也有了最好的開發途徑
"We think we can check off third party apps. We distro iPhones in six countries -- we set ourselves the goal of 12 countries for the iPhone 3G, and the stretch goal of 25 countries... Here we go..."我們實現了第三方程序的支持iPhone在6個國家發售,我們制定的目標是在12個國家出售iPhone 3G,目標還將擴展到25個國家Showing all the countries, playing Small World -- most of South America... Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Czech, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Malta, Croatia, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Greece, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Niger, Mali, Senegal, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Kenya, Botswana, South Africa... man, way too many countries!南美大部分地區、挪威、瑞典、芬蘭、愛沙尼亞、拉脫維亞。。。。啦啦啦啦香港澳門也被點亮,但是沒有中國大陸
Huge, huge applause. People are on the edges of their seats. "We'll be rolling it out in 70 countries in the next severeal months. Next time you're in Malta and you need an iPhone 3G, it'll be there for ya."超級超級大的掌聲接下來的幾個月我們將會在70個國家推出,下次你在馬耳他的時候需要一個iPhone 3G,它就會在那有賣
Don't worry people, we'll have maps!同志們別擔心,我們有地圖!"These deals are all signed, sealed, and delivered. Our stretch goal was 25 countries -- we'll be in 70 countries this year, we think we can check off more countries." Applause. "Which brings us to more affordable."這些iPhone 3G的交易都已經成功、封裝並且運送到各地我們的第2階段目標是在25個國家推廣——還將會在年內增加到70個國家我們能夠實現更多地區發售的目標——帶來更大的實惠"iPhone started off at $599 for an 8GB device, which now sells for $399 -- we want to make it even more affordable. I'm happy to tell you the 8GB will sell for $199."iPhone從8G版$599開賣,到現在售價$399——我們還要把價格降得更低很高興的告訴大家,8G以後的價格將是$199(cnbeta上有句話說:我的天,M8,你怎麼辦?。。。)"We think the iPhone 3G will be affordable to almost everyone. 16GB model for $299 -- for that model we have a white one我們相信iPhone 3G能夠讓幾乎每個人都買得起,16G版本價格是$299——將會有白色"The big news, is $399 to $199 -- we think we can check off more affordable."從$399降到$199,好消息是我們實現了低廉的價格
"70 countries this year. We're going to start with 22 of the biggest, rolling out the iPhone 3G at the same time in all of these countries. July 11."7月11號從最大的22個國家開始同步推出iPhone 3G
"The price is a maximum of $199 all around the world -- we're really, really excited about the new iPhone 3G. And as you might expect, we have a new ad! I'd love to show it to you." Lights are down... spy theme.全球統一最高價格$199——真的太開心了(。。。。。)你也許會很期待我們的新廣告吧。。看廣告。。。

Secret Apple vault -- finally we get to see what it looks like!最後來看看傳說中的——蘋果秘密。。地窖?= =Tag line: "Finally, the first phone to beat the iPhone... Introducing the NEW iPhone 3G." Steve's rolling the commercial again!終於,有了第一個可以向iPhone叫板的手機了——就是新的iPhone 3G。。不如再看一遍廣告!Or211:47AM PT - Big applause, even the second time. "Just like the first iPhone, this new iPhone 3G is one of the most amazing products I've ever had the privilege to be associated with." He's calling all the teams to stand up, give 'em a round of applause.再看一遍還是狂歡似的氣氛。。就像第一個iPhone一樣,新iPhone 3G也是我所用過最無敵的產品iPhone團隊起立,Jobs和觀眾向他們致敬
