
轉載WeiPhone 第4款自制游戲----WeMahjong水果麻將

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WeiPhone 第4款自制游戏----WeMahjong

WeiPhone 第4款自制游戲----WeMahjong 2

WeiPhone 第4款自制游戲----WeMahjong 3






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iPhone行動網 功能說明!!



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Tap Tap Revolution 音樂遊戲在 installer 上出現很久了,不過一直沒有裝來玩看看,剛好7/3/08 看到htiekchan發表的[文章主題: 我的 TTR 太鼓の達人主題]
歌名: 獸拳戰隊
歌名: Doraemon
歌名: Super Mario
http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=N1UdlD13WXA 影片,
等不到htiekchan放出他的版本, 我已自制了我的版本了!!
就在installer先安裝Tap Tap Revolution 。
再在" Jason自加游戲", 安裝"太鼓の達人"
太感謝htiekchan啦!! 還有他原來都是香港人!! 太好啦!! 哈哈!!


iPhone SDK發布會實況圖文轉播雙語版!

iPhone SDK發布會實況圖文轉播雙語版!



中文翻譯、整理 :Bandage_man

============================ 華麗的開始 ==================================

9:05AM - Alright, we're here and registered! We'll be checking in as things get going shortly.

9:05AM -按照以往慣例,我們已經注冊排隊等待進入展廳中。

9:26AM - It's minglin' time! The space usually reserved for product demos is hollowed out for the Apple Continental Breakfast today, tons of journos and execs hanging out before the keynote kicks off.

9:26AM -幾百個新聞從業人員開始魚貫而入進入展廳。

9:51AM - And we're heading in!

9:51AM -我們也進去啦 !

9:57AM - "Good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this Apple special event."

9:57AM - “早上好,先生們女士們,歡迎光臨蘋果的特別發表會。”

10:01AM - Steve's out, "Welcome, we're really excited to share some great news with you about the iPhone software roadmap. We've got some cool stuff to announce, so let's get on with it. I want to share a few statistics about how far we've come with the iPhone..."

10:01AM - Jobs現身:“歡迎,我們非常高興能跟各位分享一些關於iPhone 軟件前景的大消息。我們有一些好東西要發表,所以讓我們開始吧。首先我想先分享一些目前iPhone的現況 ”

The iPhone took 28% market share in Q407, compared to 41% RIM. "As you know, the iPhone really brings the internet to a mobile device for the first time, you have the internet in your pocket -- and that's being borne out by usage stats for mobile browser usage. 71% of US mobile browser usage!"

iPhone在07年第四季度取得了28%的(智能手機)市場占有率,相比之下RIM(黑莓)則是41%。 “如你們所知道的,iPhone第一次將互聯網帶到一台移動設備上。簡而言之,互聯網就在你的口袋裡,而且我們有數據為證。全美71%的手機上網用的都是iPhone !”

"So let's get on with what we have to talk about today. I've asked two of my colleagues do the heavy lifting..." Schiller, and Forstall. "First thing we're going to talk about is iPhone in enterprise." Tossing to Phil Schiller. Applause.

“所以讓我們繼續今天的話題,有請兩位我的同事來負責為大家解說”是Schiller和Forstall。 “首先我們要來談談iPhone的企業應用。” 下面掌聲一片。

10:04AM - "I'm really excited to be the one to talk to you abut iPhone in the enterprise. We've had some great customers at the forefront wanting to adopt the iPhone into their enterprises." Talking about using Genentech using a fleet of iPhones. "We have a lot of great university customers." Stanford, for example; hundreds of iPhones for faculty and staff.

10:04AM - Schiller :“一說到iPhone在大企業之中被使用的情況,我就很興奮!我們有相當優秀的企業伙伴,對采用iPhone為工作環境當中的手機感興趣,甚至在大學中也有給他們教職人員配備使用iPhone的,例如Stanford(斯坦福)大學。”

"There are a lot of things enterprise customers have told us that have hold us back from being HUGE in the enterprise. What do they want to take the iPhone into the enterprise. What do they want? Push email -- huge request. They want great calendar integration. They want it pushed to them wherever they are.

“但是在企業應用方面,他們也給了我們很多建議,表示要達到這樣的要求,才能讓iPhone的用戶在企業中增多。究竟他們要什麼呢? Push mail就是其中最大的一項,還包括了行程的功能,他們需要這些能夠在任何時刻,不論何時何地都能使用。”

10:05AM - They want push contacts, global address list, Cisco IPsec VPN, they want authentication and certs, enterprise class WiFi (WPA2 / 802.1x), security policies, enterprise configuration tools, and they want remote wipe.

10:05AM - 他們想要 推動聯絡人、全球地址列表、Cisco IPsec VPN、他們想要確認權限和各種問題、企業等級的無線網路密匙(WPA2 / 802.1x)、安全性政策、企業架構工具、並可以遠程遙控。

10:06AM - "That's a long list of important features enterprise customers want. Well, I'm excited to be the one to tell you today, we're doing ALL these things in the next release of the iPhone software." Big applause, couple of cheers.

10:06AM -“企業客戶想要的重要的內容可以列出來的太多太多了,好,現在我想跟大家分享這個令人興奮的IPHONE 新軟件!”

10:07AM - "Our customers have asked us to build in MS Exchange right into the iPhone -- we have licensed ActiveSync for the iPhone." Daaamn!

10:07AM - “我們的用戶要求我們將MS Exchange直接做進iPhone裡--所以我們向微軟取得了ActiveSync的授權。” 當當當。。。!

"That's a HUGE request, but how does that work? There's an old way..." icon of a crappy looking QWERTY phone on screen, "with older generation smartphones." He's going over messaging, firewalls, and enterprise scenarios.

“這是個很大很復雜的要求,但怎麼才能做到?上一代的智能手機 ” 此時銀幕上出現一台普通的QWERTY鍵盤手機 “用的是傳統的老方法。” Schiller開始示範通訊、防火牆和一些企業應用

10:08AM - "Microsoft has come up with a much more advanced architecture, where the iPhone can work directly with the Exchange server in a more reliable and affordable way. We're building Exchange support so you get push email, push calendaring, push contacts, global address lists, and the ability to remote wipe it."

10:08AM - 微軟也幫我們寫出了更先進的架構,讓iPhone能夠直接和Exchange服務器連接,這樣自然也能達到更可靠、節省成本等好處。通過Exchange服務,你可以直接將郵件、行事歷、連絡人、全球地址列表等信息,通通PUSH到iPhone,同時也可以遠程編輯這些資料信息。

"The same email app, calendar app, and contact apps that customers really love will get information directly from the Exchange server." So no new apps on the iPhone for using Exchange. Demo time!

“企業用戶們會真的愛上通過Exchange 服務器 獲得 同樣的Email應用,行事歷應用,聯系人應用信息。” 所以Apple沒有單獨為iphone使用Exchange功能而去創建新的專門軟件。演示的時間 : )

10:10AM - Contacts, calendar, mail are all empty -- looks like it's time to do some syncing. "No events -- I kind of like that, keep my day free." Chuckles.

10:10AM - 聯絡人、行事歷、電子郵件全部空白,看起來現在可是同步的時間了。 “沒有重要約會,我喜歡這樣,好輕松自由” Schiller開自己一點玩笑。

Exchange is at the top of email services, even above .Mac; going into settings; you can flip on contacts, calendars, mail, and all this stuff flipping simple switches. Not bad!


10:13AM - The contacts are all there instantly. If Steve were on stage, we're sure there'd be a "Boom" or two. "It's the same apps that customers know and love on the iPhone, but now it's all coming from Exchange."

10:13AM - 聯絡人立即出現了。如果現在台上站的是Jobs的話,想必會伴隨著一兩聲“Boom”。 “界面和操作就像用戶們熟悉知道的iPhone平常應用軟件一樣,只不過現在資料都是從 Exchange 同步得到的。”

Testing adding a new contact out in the field. "For those of you who've never typed into an iPhone -- it's awwwesome." Chuckles. And now Bob already has that contact. Bob just updated that same record and it pushed down to the iPhone instantaneously. Applause.

Chuckles嘗試在iPhone上添加一個新的聯絡人,與此同時 Bob也立刻看到了新添加的聯絡人。 Bob改了一下該聯絡人的資料,iPhone上面的資料信息也立刻隨之顯示更新。場下掌聲連連。

10:14AM - Bob just sent Phil an email and there it is, direct Exchange push email. Demoing meeting changes with live pushes over Exchange.

10:14AM - Bob傳送一封郵件給Phil,然後透過direct Exchange push email,對方一下就收到了! 示範Exchage中的lives push會議交換功能。

Demoing remote wipe of the phone -- no user interaction, "I can't stop it, the phone's been wiped and protected." Applause. "Lots of great new features, but you've seen Exchange live, working on the iPhone -- we've been working hard on this." Talking about testing this on-site -- like Nike, for example.

示範iPhone手機的遠程清除功能 “天阿!我簡直快停不下來了!這個手機已經被清除和被保護了!” 掌聲雷動。“還有更多的神奇新功能,將來你就會在iPhone上面看到,我們目前還在積極努力中”

10:18AM - "Another company we've been working with is Disney -- as you may know, we have an executive relationship with Disney." Chuckles. Oh, Phil, you old cornball. "These are the features customers have asked for in the enterprise, and I think when we release these features people will be blown away that the iPhone is The. Best. mobile device ever in enterprise." Tossing to Scott Forstall on the iPhone SDK. Scott!

10:18AM - “另外一個合作的公司是迪斯尼,大家知道我們和迪斯尼關系有多鐵。”,“這些特色功能都是使用者對先前企業要求過的,我想現在推出的特色功能,會人使用者用到很爽,跟iphone在天上一起滾來滾去。這將是企業用手機的最佳選擇。」接下來讓Scott Forstall介紹偉大的SDK!

"Ok, I'm here to tell you about how devs can build great apps on the iPhone. Before I get into the SDK, I want to give an update on web apps. This has been incredibly successful, there are over 1,000 web applications for the iPhone."

“Ok,我在這裡是要告訴大家開發者如何可以在iPhone開發很棒的軟件。在談SDK之前,我想先談一下Web Apps的現狀。我們在這方面非常成功,一共有超過一千種為iPhone開發的Web app。”

He's highlighting some web apps, including Facebook. Yep, great, let's get to the SDK dude.


"Already the iPhone is the most popular mobile device with Bank of America -- it accounts for 20% of ALL mobile banking with them. But today what I really want to tell you about is the native iPhone SDK."

“目前iPhone已經成為了美國銀行(Bank of America)最熱門的移動設備-- 20%的線上理財活動都是通過它的Web App進行的。但我今天真正想談的是iPhone內置軟件的SDK(即軟件開發包)。”

10:21AM - "Starting today... we're opening the same native APIs and tools to build our iPhone apps."

10:21AM - “從今天開始...我們要將iPhone內建的API和我們工程師開發iPhone軟件所使用的開發工具正式對外公開。”

"3rd party devs can build native iPhone apps using the same SDK that WE do. There are a lot of pieces that make up the SDK is the set of APIs -- that suits us well, Apple is a platform company. We have the most advanced platform in the world in the form of OS X. It's comprised of four layers..."

“第三方軟件開發人員,可以借助利用SDK來編寫原生的iPhone軟件,就像我們做的一樣。 SDK是由相當多的API組件組成,這跟我們身為一個操作系統平台公司息息相關。我們有世界上最先進的操作系統平台(喔...)他就叫做Mac OS X。主要是由這四層的架構組成。”

"The core OS, core services, media layer, and Cocoa -- to build the iPhone OS we took the bottom three layers to form the iPhone OS. Cocoa is interesting and it's the best app framework out there, but it's based on a mouse and keyboard. So we took everything we knew.. and built Cocoa Touch."

“核心OS、核心服務、多媒體層以及Cocoa。我們以底下的三層構建了iPhone的操作系統,Cocoa則是當中最有趣以最佳的軟件架構,因為他靠的是鼠標、鍵盤。所以我們在iPhone上面則是寫出了Cocoa Touch。”

"This here is the architecture of the iPhone OS -- let me dig a little deeper. We'll start with the kernel. This is the same OS X kernel based on the same project and same source files of OS X; the networking layer we use is the same BSD networking layer we use on OS X. And power management... Apple has more than a decade of experience in advanced power management."

“我們在這裡可以看到,這就是iPhone 操作系統的架構,我們再詳細的說明一下。從Kernel(系統內核)開始,基本上Kernel的部份,就是OS X的規劃、程式源相同。網絡層則是BSD ,同樣也是用在OS X上面的。另外在電源管理方面,蘋果更是超過十年的相關先進技術。”

10:25AM - "We started with those advanced power management techniques and went beyond that -- the core OS power manages all of the chips, all the sensors, your application, automatically. Now, core services, I'll just highlight a few. We have a complete set of APIs for your app to talk directly to the contacts DB on the iPhone, and an entire database API with SQLite.

10:25AM -“我們開始使用這些先進強悍的管理科技,而且還要超越這些科技--核心作業系統的引擎可以管理全部的芯片、感應器、和你的應用程序,而且全部自動化。”現在我們只談及到一小部分核心服務,我們擁有全套API的設定方式,讓你的應用程序可以輕易和iPhone的數據庫進行連結,以及和SQLite共同運作的的數據庫API。”

"Core Location - we've taken that and patched it into an API so you can create location-aware applications. The media layer... starting with Core Audio, this is the low-level audio layer; on top of that we've built OpenAL, an industry standard."

一些例子:“本地核心 - 我們得到它並且建立指向到API,所以你現在可以創建和地理位置相關的應用程序。Media (多媒體)層 - 和核心Audio一起啟動,這是底層Audio(聲音)層,更高的層我們建構了產業級標准的OpenAL。”

"Video playback: seamless video playback, uses our h.264 codec, built right in." So we can add new video codecs right? RIGHT? Sigh. "Core animation... OpenGL ES, the embedded version of OpenGL and a screamer for 3D graphics on the iPhone. In fact, this entire layer is heavily hardware accelerated."

“影片播放:采用我們內建的h.264 編碼,實際無間斷的影片播放。” 所以我們可以自已裝codec編碼進去是嗎?是嗎?唉...「核心動畫...OpenGL標准的嵌入式版本OpenGL ES標准,以及iPhone 的3D圖形的screamer(Bandage_man:個人估計原詞應該是Streamer,即圖形視頻流。。。。)。事實這一整套層都經過高度的硬件加速才得以實現。”

10:29AM - "Cocoa Touch - our advanced touch event system; the accelerometer - what you might not know is that it's a full 3-axis sensor, and you can use that in your apps as well. ... this is the architecture for the iPhone OS, the most advanced mobile platform out there. We think we're years ahead of any other platform. We borrowed heavily from OS X -- we started on the shoulders of a giant."

10:29AM - “Cocoa Touch,我們最先進的觸 控事件系統,可以通過這個在你的軟件中使用硬件中的加速感應器,三軸感應器等等,這就是iPhone 操作系統的架構,可以說是最先進的移動平台,我想我們還是不小心領先了其他系統平台不少年。通過OS X,我們學到了不少東西,可以說是站在巨人的肩膀上。”

"We have a comprehensive set of tools to help developers create and debug apps -- let's start with Xcode. We started there and enhanced it to support the iPhone; now we use Xcode to build the OS and apps for the iPhone. What is Xcode? It starts as a great source code editor -- it knows all about the iPhone SDK, will code-complete the APIs for the iPhone SDK."

“在Debug調試程序方面,我們也有相當多的工具,就先從Xcode的開始談起吧!通過對於iPhone的的強化支持,我們可以使用Xcode來編寫在iPhone上的程序甚至操作系統,什麼是Xcode?它從一開始就是個強大的程序代碼編輯工具,它了解iPhone SDK的全部,並且完成的iPhone的SDK的宣傳短片。”

10:30AM - "... it also integrates directly with source control management system, subversion, cvs... integrates with iPhone SDK documentation, and also has a nice debugger -- it's also a great remote debugger. Plug an iPhone in, run the app live on your iPhone, and be debugging it from your Mac. This is incredibly powerful."

10:30AM - “...這個東西還直接整合了系統資源控制管理系統、Subversion系統、cvs系統...並和iPhone SDK文件整合在一起,並有良好調試Debug調試的能力,還有一個進行軟件的Debug調試工具,一個最好的iPhone內建的用於遠程Debug調試程序的插件。”在你的iPhone上運行它,用你的Mac通過連接iPhone來調試,它令人難以置信的強大。!”

10:32AM - "The next tool I'd like to talk about is Interface-Builder -- this is the tool you'll use to... wait for it... build your application interface. We have the complete library of iPhone interface assets, just drag them onto the canvas." Showing making connections from the view layers to control layers; it's also localizeable. "Next: Instruments..."

10:32AM - “我接下來談及的工具是Interface Builder(界面構建器),也就是打造你的軟件界面的主要方式。我們將提供完整的iPhone界面元件,只要把他們拖拽到屏幕上就好了。” 開始示範如何將界面上的控件和後台程序代碼做關聯。

"We took those three and enhanced them for the iPhone, but there's a brand new tool: the iPhone Simulator. It runs on a Mac and simulates the entire API stack on your computer."


10:34AM - "So, we have a fantastic set of tools in addition to an amazing set of frameworks." demo time. iPhone Simulator gets going -- looks identical to using an iPhone. Tiny bit creepy, actually.

10:34AM - “除了這超強的架構外,我們還有很多強大的工具 ” 開始示範了iPhone 模擬器。看起來跟實際中的iPhone一模一樣。

10:35AM - Showing Safari in the Simulator, now he's about to build a quick Hello World! app.

10:35AM - 演示在模擬器上運行Safari。並且迅速的寫出一個Hellow World!應用軟件

10:37AM - Just threw that app together and ran it on the Simulator; "It's just as easy to build and run it live on an iPhone!"

10:37AM - 只要將程序放入iPhone模擬器就可以進行測試,“就如同是在真正的iPhone上安裝和運行一樣簡單...”

10:39AM - He just compiled the app, dropped it onto the iPhone, ran it, and started the debugger in one step. Not shabby. "This is an app I just built in two minutes -- but we wanted to see what we could build in two days. So we did this app, we called it Touch FX."

10:39AM - 他簡單的編譯應用程序,放入iPhone模擬器,執行,並啟動Debug調試程序,全部一步到位。不錯麼...“這個程序是我兩分鐘做出來的,如果有兩天的話,我們能做出什麼?所以我們做了這個小程序,叫做Touch FX。”

10:40AM - Photo picker, applies OpenGL distortion effects on finger tracking; he's pinching and exploding some dude's face -- shaking the phone performs an undo. Applause and giggles.

10:40AM - 先選一張照片,然後將OpenGL的變形效果應用上去,圖片的部位會隨著手指的接觸部位不同而扭曲變形(手上有iPhone的人可以參考RealArtist),搖一搖則是照片恢復原狀。

10:42AM - "Next we decided, what can we do in two weeks? So we wrote a game... Touch Fighter." Dang, not bad, it's 3D, OpenGL... tap anywhere to fire, steer with the accelerometer. Lots of loud "Whoa!"-ing from the audience and applause.

10:42AM - “緊接著我們決定,在兩周內我們能做出什麼呢?浴室我們編寫了個游戲! Touch Fighter 。” 當。。。。不錯,這是 3D的, OpenGL!點擊屏幕任意處開 火,通過加速感應器來操作前進,現場一陣驚訝之聲和尖叫!

10:44AM - He's testing optimization of the Wing Commander-style game; its live-recording frame rate (about 27-30fps!) and other performance metrics.

10:44AM - 測試Wing Commander這類游戲的最佳化,實時運行的幀率顯示(大概在約27~30fps!) 同時還有效記錄。

He pulls up a low-framerate point, grabs the live stack-trace from that moment to dev. "Don't just take my word on how good this platform is -- we called up a handful of companies and asked them to send out a couple of engineers to see what they could accomplish in two weeks with an SDK that they've never even seen before."


10:47AM - EA is up to bat; Travis Boatman talking about using the SDK. "Thanks to Apple for inviting us to join in on the SDK process." Spore!

10:47AM - EA的老板Travis Boatman也跑進來聊SDK的應用:“首先感謝蘋果邀請我們共同開發的第一個軟體是就是Spore!”

It's a stripped down, cartoony version of Spore; accelerometer moves the spore around to eat things in the primordial pond. And, of course, there's the Spore customizer.


10:49AM - Showing video capabilities, too -- big applause. Forstall: "That was TWO weeks of work!" You can see we have a great platform to develop games on, but it's also great for verticals." Toss to Salesforce.com, Chuck Dietrich.

10:49AM - 展示iPhone影像能力,現場又是如雷的掌聲。 “你看也不過才兩周的時間,就已經可以拿出這樣的東西出來,對於游戲開發,你還能找到更好的平台嗎?”

10:51AM - Demoing their SFA app with monthly sales stats - "I'd like to use the accelerometer to shake them into deals -- but we're not gonna do that just yet." Waaaahh, chuckles.

10:51AM - 演示他們的SFA應用,顯示了月銷售報表。 "我其實想用加速感應器來搖出個結果,不過還是先不要這樣做好了!"

10:55AM - "The next one: AOL, which runs AIM, the most popular IM service in the US." AIM for iPhone!

10:55AM -“下一個功能:AOL,就是美國人最愛用的即時通訊軟體AIM” iPhone上的AIM。

"I've never developed on a Mac before, never used Objective C -- and we had a live buddy list in five days. This is a live conversation happening over the network..."

“我從沒在Mac上面開發的經驗,也從未用過Objective C ,但我們花了五天的時間就看到AIM的聯絡人列表了,真的可以在IPHONE上面用即時通訊了...”

10:56AM - Switch between active chats by swiping left and right (applause), status update panel ("Playing Spore!", giggles), choosing photos from your iPhone photo library as your AIM buddy pic. (PS, disclaimer, Engadget is owned by AOL / Time Warner.) Forstall: "Next up, Epocrates," Tossing to Glenn Keighley.

10:56AM - 我可以用切換開關的方式來啟動AIM的聊天功能(大家掌聲鼓勵),狀態更新的頁面,從iPhone的照片集上面來聯系到你的AIM聯絡人照片。

10:58AM - "Developing for the iPhone is like developing for no other platform... it's an almost desktop-like experience." Showing drug monographs (drug spec sheets), SQLite database use for the medication database, reactions, etc.

10:58AM - “為iPhone開發程序是一個和其他平台截然不同的經驗...幾乎和為桌上型電腦開發一樣。”展示藥品的數據庫,用的是內建的SQLite數據庫來儲存藥物的數據、圖片和屬性等等內容。

11:00AM - Back to Scott... Sega! "Sega's been a household gaming name for more than 25 years..." tossing to Ethan Einhorn from Sega.

11:00AM - 話筒交回到回到Scott “ SEGA(Bandage_man注:日本世嘉公司,老牌游戲廠商)在游戲界耕耘二十五年之久...” 話筒交給SEGA的Ethan Einhorn。

"Super Monkey Ball was a natural choice."

“Super Monkey Ball (Bandage_man注:超級猴子球,SEGA出品的游戲,在全球很流行)是最自然理所應當的選擇...”

11:02AM - SMB is entirely accelerometer-based, "This is NOT a cellphone game. It's a console game, if anything, we underestimated what the iPhone was able to do from the start, we had to fly in another artist to scale up the art to match what the iPhone could actually output." Big applause.

11:02AM - “SMB 超級猴子球完全是以iPhone的內置硬件加速感應器為基礎,這已經跳出了以往手機游戲的範疇,這根本就是個游戲主機上的游戲,所以說我們根本從頭到尾都低估了iPhone的能力。我們將會讓其他的軟件設計師,來告訴我們,iPhone的極限究竟在哪?”

11:03AM - Steve's back to answer how you get the stuff on the phone. "You're a dev and you just spent two weeks or a bit longer writing this app, and what's your dream? To get it in front of every iPhone user."

11:03AM - Steve將回來跟大家回答如何擁有這些好東西,“你如果是個軟件開發者,你只要花個兩個禮拜的時間,或者說要弄久一點,就可以讓全世界的iPhone使用者來嘗試一下你的傑作”

"Hopefully they love it and buy it -- but that's not possible today, even the big developers would have a problem getting their app in front of every iPhone user. It's called the App Store -- and we're putting it on every single iPhone on the next release of the software. This is how we're distributing apps to the iPhone."

“希望他們都會喜歡,然後甚至是願意出錢買,這在現在似乎是不可能的事情,因為就算是大的游戲公司,也很難將他們的產品拿給所以有的iPhone使用者玩,別擔心,我們有App Store可以來發布這些軟件”

11:05AM - "Let's take a look at the App Store -- featured apps, just added, staff favorites... easy to find stuff and browse the categories. Of course, I can see what the most popular apps are that are being downloaded, I can easily search, I can tap on it... this one's free... and it's wirelessly downloaded [over the air!] to the iPhone via cellular or WiFi."

11:05AM - “讓我們看看新的App Store -- 特別推薦、最新添加、官方特選...很容易在各個類別間游走。當然我可以看到目前哪些應用軟件被下載的最多,我可以簡單的搜尋,再點一下...這是免費的...然後軟件就通過Wifi / 3G網絡下載過來了。”

"You can sideload them into the iPhone as well from iTunes. But it goes further: if you've downloaded an app and the dev updates that app, the App Store will tell you it's been updated! If you like it, tap the update button and it'll be replaced by the updated version all over the air, automatically. It will be the EXCLUSIVE way to distribute iPhone applications."


11:07AM - "Devs are going to ask -- this is great! But what's the DEAL? What's the business deal. We've got a great biz deal for devs: you pick the price you want to sell your app at. The dev gets 70% of the revenues right off the top, we keep 30% to pay for running the app store. No CC fees or hosting fees or marketing fees for hosting the app, devs get 70% paid monthly."

11:07AM - “這些聽起來都相當棒,但實際的商業價值如何?商業模式又如何運作。我們認為iPhone的應用軟件和游戲產品,未來在apple商店上賣,開發者得到收入的7成,Apple將得到收入的另外3成用於運作App Store服務,不會有運輸或上架的費用,開發者每個月都將領的到自己開發的軟件的收入的七成!”

11:08AM - "You know what price a lot of devs pick? Free. When they want to distribute their app free, there's NO charge to distribute free apps -- we'll pay everything to get those apps out there for free. Will there be limitations? Of course. Some apps we won't distribute: porn! Malicious apps!"

11:08AM - “如果你願意將自己開發的軟件通過App Store免費發放,那麼Apple是不會跟你收取任何收入提成費用的。但有什麼限制呢?任何關於色 情、暴 力、懷有惡 意的軟件我們都不歡迎!”

"So, we've talked about some amazing new enterprise capabilities, we've talked about the SDK -- how are we going to deliver this stuff? Both will be delivered together in the iPhone 2.0 software update. Let me tell you about that."

“因此,我們已經談了一些令人驚奇的新的企業能力,我們已經談到了SDK - 我們如何去提供這種東西? 會在iPhone的2 .0版本軟件更新時一起都將交付。讓我現在來告訴你這些”

11:10AM - "It will again combine the SDK + the new capabilities, there will be a beta release going out today to thousands of developers. We need their fantastic feedback. We're going to ship this to every iPhone customer in June, and it's going to be a free software update." Mild applause.

11:10AM - “同樣的!他和SDK結合,另外還有其他的功能,iPhone SDK beta版將會在今天發布給上千的開發者試用,我們需要相當多的回饋,同時在六月,這個SDK就會公開給所有的iPhone使用者,同時將會提供免費的更新最新版本的服務!”

In just a few months..." MONTHS! "every iPhone user will get what they saw today. But there's another part to this as well: the iPod touch. Everything will run on the iPod touch as well, including enterprise features. We account for the touch differently than we do for the iPhone so there will be a nominal charge for the touch."

“ 不過才幾個月的時間,每一個iPhone使用者就可以拿到他們今天看到的東西,不過除此之外,還有其他有趣的。iPod touch!iPod touch也可以得到這所有我們提到的東西,包括了企業相關功能。不過iPod touch的部份,就要收點費用了!” (— — 就知道iPod Touch比iPhone便宜那麼多不是好事。。。。。果然。。。。。。)

11:12AM - "We think a lot of people will want to become an iPhone developer -- go to our site, probably in about an hour, and download the SDK. You can join the developer program to test your app on the iPhone and iPod touch and distribute your app -- to join the dev program costs just $99. If you have any questions about anything give us a ping at developer.apple.com." Irony: someone's Windows Mobile phone just went off.

11:12AM - “我們認為很多人會想成為iPhone的開發者 -- 大約一個小時後登陸我們的網站,就可以下載Beta版本的SDK了。你可以加入開發者組織來在iPhone和iPod上測試你的軟體--加入組織只要$99美元。如果你有任何問題,請直接到developer.apple.com與我們連系。”

11:14AM - "The premiere VC firm in the world, KPCB, and it's my great pleasure the most well known partner, John Doerr."

11:14AM -“讓我們歡迎世界頂級的創投(Bandage_man注:即創業投資公司,也即國內的所謂風投)公司KPCB的代表,John Doerr。”

"We're all here today because we LOVE Apple products, and I'm here because I really love Apple entrepreneurs. They do more than anyone thinks possible with less than anyone thinks possible -- the risk takers, the rebels. So it's particularly touching to be here today with the supreme commander of the rebels, Steve Jobs."

“我們今天都來到這裡是因為我們喜愛蘋果的產品,我來這裡是因為我真的喜歡蘋果的企業家,他們做了更多的人認為有可能是冒險,另類的與眾不同一分子,所以我將特別談及“另類 叛 逆 者們”的最高領導 --- Jobs 。”

11:15AM - "Steve started the whole personal computer industry -- when he left Apple it went downhill fast. He return and resurrected Apple, and even ran Pixar -- please join me in a salute for the World's Greates Entrepreneur, Steve Jobs." Big applause.

11:15AM - “Steven開創了個人電腦事業的新時代,當他離開蘋果後,蘋果就很快頹敗,但是他一回來,馬上就復蘇了,然後緊接也把Pixar給發展壯大起來。讓我們給全世界最偉大的企業家一個致敬”

"Alan Kay said, 'The best way to predict the future is to invent it... ' today we're proud to announce the iFund, for the iPhone platform."

Jobs :“Alan Kay曾經說過,預測為來的最好的方式就是去開創未來,今天我們很開心的來宣布iFund的推出,為了構建iPhone平台”

New platforms are rare... we gave a lot of thought to how to start an iFund, so we decided the iFund should be $100m." Ok, but... what is it?


11:16AM - "That should be enough to start a dozen Amazons and a few Googles... you know the Mac and iPod are truly amazing platforms... today we're witnessing history. That's the launching of the SDK, the creation of the third great platform."

11:16AM -“這應該創建十幾個最初的Amazone和幾個google了… …你知道蘋果的MAC電腦和iPod都是了不起的平台… …今天,我們正在見證歷史,那就是是發布iphone的 SDK,創造第三個大平台!”

"It's about this great opportunity, but it's about more than the money -- it's about the great team at Apple and the great talent we can recruit together. ... if you want to build the future, the iFund wants to help you fund it. I can't wait to see the companies we'll build together." Big, big applause for Doerr.


11:18AM - Steve's back: "I look forward to working with you guys to do just that, it's very exciting. If I could ask the press to just stay here for a few more minutes... thanks for coming!"

11:18AM - Steve回說: ”我期待著與你們這些家伙一同工作,這是令人十分振奮的,..謝謝光臨" !


說實話一開始只是認為這次是一場簡單的說明會,結果看倒後面才發現沒有自己想得那麼簡單!一切的一切,都透出了Apple的蓄謀已久以及萬全准備。震撼性堪比去年iPhone發布大會,絕對是今年Apple扔出的重磅炸彈!(相比之下時間膠囊和Macbook Air都是毛毛雨。。。。 : P )。一直都沒覺得iPhone的圖形性能那麼強勁,但是我不得不承認我錯了,看了EA和SEGA開發的游戲畫面,我折服了,這是手機游戲平台少有的優秀畫面!更加體現出來了iPhone開發平台的易用性和強大。 對於iPhone的SDK 以及由此衍生出來的層出不窮的第三方原生軟件,我很期待!對於iPhone即將6月份發布的2.0版本固件,我很期待!對於iPhone的OS X平台,我很期待! 希望借此改變WM和塞班的現狀,搞活智能手機這個市場!
